Top 10 Popular Shih Tzu Haircuts (30+ Pictures) Page 5 of 10 The Paws
Top 10 Popular Shih Tzu Haircuts (30+ Pictures) Page 5 of 10 The Paws from

The Shih Tzu is a small breed of dog with a unique, signature look. One of the most distinctive features of the breed is its beautiful coat and face, making the Shih Tzu haircut face one of the most important features of the breed. In this guide, we’ll take a look at what makes the Shih Tzu haircut face so special, and how to make sure your pup looks their best this year.

The Shih Tzu Haircut Face: What You Need to Know

The Shih Tzu haircut face is a signature look of the breed, and is made up of several key elements. The most important of these is the topknot, which is a long, fluffy tuft of hair that sits atop the head. The topknot is usually kept long and is often curled or styled to create a more dramatic look. The face is also characterized by a short muzzle and small, round eyes.

In addition to the topknot, the Shih Tzu haircut face also features a full mane, which is a longer, flowing coat of hair that frames the face. The mane is typically kept longer and brushed to keep it looking full and healthy. Finally, the face is completed with a shorter, tighter coat that covers the ears and cheeks.

How to Style the Shih Tzu Haircut Face

When it comes to styling the Shih Tzu haircut face, there are a few key steps you should follow. First, it’s important to brush your pup’s coat regularly to keep it looking healthy and to prevent tangles and mats. After brushing, use a comb and scissors to trim the fur around the face, the topknot, and the mane. Be sure to use the right tools for the job, and take your time to ensure that the trim is even and looks great.

Once the trim is complete, you can then style your pup’s topknot and mane. This can be done with a curling iron, a straightener, or even a simple braid. For the best results, use a product such as mousse or hairspray to hold the style in place.

Additional Tips for Styling the Shih Tzu Haircut Face

When styling the Shih Tzu haircut face, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Be gentle with your pup’s coat. The Shih Tzu is a delicate breed, and tugging too hard on the fur can cause damage.
  • Take your time and be patient. Rushing the process can lead to uneven results, so take your time when styling your pup’s face.
  • Be sure to use the right tools. The right tools will make all the difference in the end result.
  • Use a product to hold the style in place. This will help the style last longer and look more polished.

Finding the Right Shih Tzu Haircut Face for Your Pup

When it comes to finding the right Shih Tzu haircut face for your pup, it’s important to take into account their individual needs. Some Shih Tzus may need a shorter or longer haircut than others, and some may have different styling needs. It’s best to consult with a groomer to determine the best style for your pup.

Once you’ve determined the right style for your pup, you can then work with a groomer to make sure the style is perfect. A good groomer will be able to make sure the trim is even and the style is flattering to your pup’s features. They can also help you find the right products to use to keep your pup’s look looking great.


The Shih Tzu haircut face is a signature look of the breed that can be achieved with the right trim and styling. With the right equipment, products, and a little bit of patience, you can easily give your pup the perfect look for 2023. Be sure to consult with a groomer and take their advice to ensure that the style turns out just the way you want it to.