30 Top Fade Hairstyles For Men That Are Highly Popular In 2020
30 Top Fade Hairstyles For Men That Are Highly Popular In 2020 from www.hairstyle.org.in

It’s 2023, and the world of men’s haircuts has come a long way since the start of the decade. People are more daring with their hairstyles, and the fade haircut has become one of the most popular looks out there. So, if you’re looking to stay up to date with the latest hairstyle trends, it’s time to learn how to do a fade haircut.

What is a Fade Haircut?

A fade haircut is a type of men’s cut where the hair is cut short on the sides and back and gradually gets longer as it moves up the head. This look is known for being stylish and modern, and it’s becoming increasingly popular with men of all ages.

Types of Fade Haircuts

There are three main types of fade haircuts: high fade, low fade, and mid-fade. A high fade starts with very short hair at the bottom and gradually gets longer as it moves up the head, while a low fade has the longest hair at the bottom and gradually gets shorter as it moves up. A mid-fade is somewhere in the middle, with the shortest hair at the temples and the longest hair near the crown.

What You’ll Need

In order to do a fade haircut, you’ll need to have the right tools. You’ll need a pair of clippers, a comb, some scissors, and a razor. If you have a beard, you’ll also need a trimmer. Additionally, you’ll need some hair clippers with guards of varying lengths so that you can achieve the desired fade.

Preparing for the Cut

Before you begin the cut, make sure that the hair is completely dry. This will help you to get an even cut and will prevent you from accidentally cutting the hair too short. Additionally, you should use a comb to brush the hair in the opposite direction of the way it grows. This will help you to get a more even cut.

Cutting the Hair

Once you’re ready to begin the cut, start by using the clippers to cut the hair at the bottom of the head. Make sure to use the guard that corresponds to the desired length of the cut. Once you’ve reached the desired length, move up the head and repeat the process. Continue moving up the head until you’ve reached the desired length at the top.

Blending the Hair

Once you’ve cut the hair to the desired length, it’s time to blend the hair. To do this, use the scissors to trim the hair at an angle. Start at the longest length and gradually work your way up to the shortest length. This will help to create a smooth transition between the different lengths and will help to achieve a more natural look.

Finishing the Cut

Once you’ve blended the hair, it’s time to finish the cut. Use the razor to trim any stray hairs and to give the hair a more finished look. Additionally, use the trimmer to trim the beard and mustache, if necessary. Finally, use a comb to brush the hair back into its desired style.

Tips for Styling the Haircut

Now that you know how to do a fade haircut, here are a few tips to help you style it. To give the hair a sleek look, use a small amount of styling gel or wax. Additionally, use some hairspray to help keep the hair in place. Finally, if you want to add some texture to the look, use some sea salt spray. This will help to create a more modern, tousled look.


A fade haircut is a stylish and modern look that is becoming increasingly popular. To achieve this look, you’ll need to have the right tools and know how to use them. Once you have the tools, you can begin by cutting the hair, blending it, and finishing it off with a razor and trimmer. Finally, you can use a few styling products to give the hair a more finished look.